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Doublelist Stories

Holy orgasms, we are floored by your stories. One thing is for sure, you all are amazing! :) We have a blast reading all of them, and hope you can write and contribute yours!

new this week - Posted by a Straight man:

I posted a ad and got a reply saying he would top me. I had a very small window of time before i read more...

I posted a ad and got a reply saying he would top me. I had a very small window of time before i went to work. He hauled ass to me and as soon as he walked in pulled his big cock out and bent me over. He was in and out maybe 10 time then i came so hard my legs gave out. He turned me around and busted his nut on my mouth and chest

new this week - Posted by a Couples:

No Couple stories found.

new this week - Posted by a gay man:

In my teens I had just moved to Michigan for college. Found a roommate to move in with online, read more...

In my teens I had just moved to Michigan for college. Found a roommate to move in with online, another guy my age. He would have his friends over often to drink and party, bro-type guys. Being insecure and passive made me an easy target for bullies back home, so naturally i was doing my best to fit in with the guys. One of his older friends "J", saw right threw my facade and would always mess with me. I thought i was keeping up alright, but he knew something about me that i was yet to discover. Torwards the end of summer we had a party at the house, at some point i had passed out drunk in my bed and took all my clothes off from how hot the house had gotten. It was sometime in the early morning when i woke up and J was in my room. "I knew you were a fag right from the beginning" he said, I was on my stomach and his cock was out, waving it in my face. I felt such a rush through my body, I was completely shocked and stuttered to find my words. Most i could manage was a "wtf, get out of my room" but before i could finish he just pushed his cock right into my mouth. Pulling my head away i met his hand at the back of my head, sending the whole thing down my throat. "See i knew you were a bitch, you just needed a real man to show you". I was flushed and struggled to resist, but gave in as he started sliding it in and out, making me drool all over as i choked him down. He pulled my ass apart to spit on my hole to loosen me up some more. Next thing i know he flipped me onto my back, cock straight in my ass. I didn't even have time to process the point of no return by the time he's fucking me, ruthlessly, each pound forcing a abrupt heaving moan out of me. Fucking out what was left of my manhood. He grabbed the back of my neck for leverage, making me look down at what he was doing to me. "You're my new fuckhole now, and I'm gonna fuck you like this whenever I like". Thats when i full body orgasmed and came all over my face and belly. I never cummed so hard in my life! He was next and drained his balls deep into my colon it'd felt like he disrupted my ph level. The room was spinning and I couldn't do anything more then just lay there, quivering and oozing all over my sheets. Now i know my place and I've never felt so satisfied with myself until then.

new this week - Posted by a Ts:

No TD/GS stories found.

new this week - Posted by a Gay man:

No Straight For Gay Stories found.

new this week - Posted by All:

No Stories found.

ps. here's the things we've learned from your stories:

1) You are all great, no seriously, it takes courage and initiative to write a story and that tells us how great you are.

2) You are all remarkably open, willing to try new things, and fun!

3) Most people on the site are extremely gracious, nice and respectful.

4) You mentioned that some people are flaky, or only want to exchange pictures (booo! teases!!).

5) You wish the system was improved (yes, big upgrades are rolling out very very shortly)!!

6) You mentioned you wish we weren't so adamant on the language (we know, we're working on finding the sweet zone for safety and your satisfaction!)

We've learned a lot more from you this time around, and we are back at work on improving the things you need us to do. Many big improvements and upgrades are coming shortly, and we hope you understand we're doing our best to provide you with the best experience we can.

Want to share you story? Tell us all about it here: Tell your story.